Friday, July 17, 2009

Jazz: 1st birthday party

May 9, 2009
The Prestige Tower Roofdeck

I almost didn't make it to this event because in the days leading up to it, I was down with the flu. Although I wasn't sick anymore, I still wasn't feeling too well on the day of the party that I actually asked a friend if she could cover for me in case I couldn't make it. I'm so glad I went ahead and did it anyway because Mommy Glenda was such a darling to work with that I went home after the party feeling so much better--both physically and emotionally. It's meeting clients like her that make me love my job even more than I already do.:)

And now for the photos...

This was Jazz' lovely fairy costume.

And what's a fairy without a magic wand?

Party decorations by Party Boosters led by the wonderful Jacque. You couldn't see it in this photo but this centerpiece had little twinkling lights at the bottom. Cool!:)

I loved taking photos of Jazz!

She looks like she's standing on her own but she's actually sitting on a tiny chair. I think she's super cute here!:)

And here's pretty Mommy Glenda with the birthday girl.:)

Pie wasn't officially taking photos but since I wasn't exactly in top shape that day, I gave her one of the cameras to hold and told her to "shoot at will". She took this cool shot of Flooch playing with fire.

Flooch with his favorite pet Spyke.;)

Look at all the colors!

Jazz was getting tired towards the end of the program. Still cute though.

I didn't want to leave before taking a few more portrait shots though.

I love this one.

Oh yeah, Glenda had special giveaways for the suppliers. She gave me and Pie these cute pillows. I asked Pie to take photos of them at home.:)

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