Friday, October 02, 2009

A bit of sunshine

When I became a fulltime photographer a few years back, I made the decision early on to take only happy photos--not necessarily just photos of people laughing or smiling, but photos that would convey love, joy, and positivity. When people look at my pictures, I don't want them to think how great the lighting, or composition, or my techniques are. I just want them to feel happy, whether they know the people in the photos or not. And I guess, that's what I want them to feel when they read this blog as well. I have become a firm believer in the power of focusing on the positive. When you fix your attention on the good things, more good things start to happen. This kind of attitude has brought wonderful changes in my life. And through my photos and this blog, it is my hope that I can bring happy thoughts to the people that I work with and even the few that stumble upon this blog by accident.

It's not always easy though. Many times, I still get frustrated, and I still fall into the abyss of negativity. Most of the time, when this happens, I have my husband who always reminds me that it's ok to sometimes feel defeated especially when things aren't going well. He always tells me that we have to work even harder at staying positive when circumstances are pushing us the other way. The past few days, with the floods last weekend, and with the harrowing images that continue to appear on TV and on the Internet, it has been very very difficult to stay on course. It's very difficult to be happy and positive when so many people have lost a lot and are continually suffering.

Hence, the silence on this blog.

But guess what. It took a few days, but the sun is starting to shine again. Literally, sometimes. But figuratively? Yes, definitely. In the midst of all the tragedies, I've learned there is always room for stories of heriosm. Everywhere, you see people doing everything they can to help. A lot of people have said it, but yes, times like these really make you feel proud to be a Filipino. It's true, we are such a resilient people. We fight catastrophes head on and with big smiles on our faces. And that lifts me up somehow.

Pete and I went to visit his relatives in Marikina and Cainta a couple of days ago. One of his uncles, whose house was drowned in at least 6 feet of water last Saturday, told us about how he and his wife (our ninang) escaped the flood and spent almost 11 hours on the roof of a neighbor. And you know what? As he was telling us about the ordeal that they went through, he was smiling! He even told us he appreciated having an experience like that as it actually makes you realize that you have a lot. The floods have clearly left the spirit unscathed.

Right now, every one is bracing for the next big one. "Super typhoon" Pepeng. It's comforting to know that all of us is one in prayer that it won't be as bad as the news says. So, let's all think bright sunny weather. Happy thoughts! Think the storm and floods away!

When I was in high school, my roommate had a t-shirt that said, "When you've hit rock bottom, there's no other way but UP." And considering all the things that the country has been through this year (and the past few years), I get the feeling the coming months (and years) will be much much better! I just know it!:)

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