Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Robyn: Baptism

October 30, 2010
San Agustin Church
Ibarra's Garden

Daddy Don was a batchmate of mine from high school.  We were never in the same classes and we hung out with different friends--in fact, I don't think we ever spoke a word to each other back then.  Hehehe.  But I'm so glad that he thought of me when they were looking for a photographer for Baby Robyn's baptism.:)

We started at the hotel where we took photos of the details and shot some portraits.  Here's Robyn still not in the mood for photos, but looking so cute nonetheless.

Lovely details for a very special event.

Cute socks!

A couple of shots of the beautiful family.

It was also great meeting Don's wife Cez.  She's so friendly and she seemed so relaxed and always had a smile on her face during the entire event.  Clients like her make my job so much easier. ;)

I love this one.

How cute is Robyn!

Some shots of the baptismal ceremony.

Then we headed off to the reception venue for the lunch party.  I've shot a wedding here a few years ago.  It's such a beautiful venue for intimate gatherings.

Robyn spent a good part of the day sleeping...

I always tell clients that babies photograph well even when they're asleep and Robyn was no exception.

Of course, we also had to take more photos of her when she woke up.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Andrei: 1st birthday party

October 2, 2011
Arzobispado de Pampanga
Fortune Seafood Restaurant

Party organizer: Hi-5 Parties (c/o Kathleen dela Merced)
Entertainment: Ruther Urquia
Party theme: Wild Safari

Andrei's party was my first event shoot after five long months so I was a bit anxious but quite excited to be working again.  I had already met Andrei and his family during our mini portrait session a week before and Mommy Doris and Daddy Andrew are such a gracious pair that I knew it was going to be very easy working with them.

A few days before the party though, a series of blows came in the form of typhoons and my baby being sick and hospitalized.  In fact, the night before the event, Pampanga was under signal number 2 and there were news of floods in certain areas there. Meanwhile, I was at the hospital caring for my very sick baby.  Kathleen (of Hi-5 Parties) and I were texting that night and we both agreed that all we could do was pray for friendlier skies the next day.  Well, we must have prayed hard enough because the sun was up and the skies were clear the next morning as we drove to Pampanga.

The trip to San Fernando, Pampanga was smooth, so we got to the church really early.  Only close relatives and godparents attended the private baptismal ceremony.  It seemed everyone else was early as well so we took groups shots and some candids before the priest arrived.

A couple of shots of the ceremony.

After the baptism, we had about an hour to kill before the party started, so we took a few shots inside the church and around the church grounds.

It was a small but beautiful church.  I was especially fascinated by the facade.

And then it was time to go to the party venue.  We started by taking photos of the details before most of the guests arrived.  How cute were Andrei's outfits? :)

The colorful cake and cupcakes.

Lovely party decorations by Hi-5 Parties!

Our cute birthday boy.

There were a number of foodcarts at the party but this was everyone's favorite.

The awesome Ruther Urquia was as entertaining as ever.

Of course, the famous Titoy was there!

Everyone enjoyed the party!

I would like to thank Ces Kasilag who was my second shooter that day.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Rafa: 1st birthday party

October 9, 2010
Big Red Barn, Fun Ranch

Party theme: Transformers
Party decorations: Polkadots (c/o Jhoanne Alon)

This party was over a year ago, but I remember that the weather that day was very similar to how it has been these past few days--it was cloudy and dark (and at some point during the day, rainy) and humid.  But that didn't stop everyone from enjoying Rafa's party.  The birthday family are based abroad but they wanted to celebrate with family and friends and I was honored to be able to capture their memories of this special event for them.

When I was taking photos of Rafa's outfit, one of the guests commented, "Parang kasal ah."  I just smiled and told them I have to take pictures of all the details that Mommy Anne painstakingly prepared for Rafa.  And there were a lot of cool details! I loved it!

Oh yeah, and it was great working with one of my good friends Jhoanne of Polkadots who did a great job with the decorations as always. :)

I loved the theme!

We took a few family shots before the party started.

It had just stopped raining when we went outside and it was hot and humid so we didn't stay out too long.

The birthday boy.

The kids.

Host/magician Aldino making the party fun and exciting for all the kids and adults.

The candle-blowing.

It was already dark when we went outside again to take a few more shots after and most of the guests had left.